Author: mrpackethead
aws-verified access-alpha. VPN-less application Access with CDK.
What? Another Blog here about doing things with CDK. Well this ones not so much a blog as a set of instructions. I’ll leave the opinions to someone. AWS says. “Built on Zero Trust guiding principles, AWS Verified Access validates every application request before granting access. Verified Access removes the need for a VPN, which simplifies the…
vpclattice – the network* when you’re not having a network. with aws cdk.
Preamble and Waffle:This is an early peek at using vpclattice with cdk, while we do the dance with getting a contruct into the aws-cdk-lib project. Its a very much in progress piece of work, and there is a 99.99% chance that there will be breaking changes before this goes GA. Please be aware of this,…
Contributing to aws-cdk. Part3 L2 Lattice Constructs.
This follows part 2 in a series Contributing to aws-cdk-lib (part2). Building cdk – Cloud Networking as Code ( This is a set of diary entries than a blog, welcome along to my journey. I expect that we’ll be slowing down from here, as there is quite a bit of learning to do, and interactions…
Contributing to aws-cdk-lib (part2). Building cdk
This follows up the previous diary notes, Contributing to aws-cdk-lib (part1). Where I built a development environment using code catalyst. 5 May, 8:20am. Getting the dev environment going was pretty easy. Whats the chance that building cdk will be just as easy? That would be asking too much I think. Theres some hints about how…
Contributing to aws-cdk-lib (part1). A dev environment with code catalyst.
I’ve been putting off this for long enough. Creating a workload and tooling for sensibly contributing to the aws-cdk project. I’ve been able to get around this mostly by writing my own constructs and publishing them, but recently a problem turned up in the core, and a work around was not really possible. Fortunately, one…
Creating a CDK Construct Library with projen – A runbook of sorts.
Introduction AWS CDK allows you to create a Construct Library and publish, so it can be consumed by other projects. Writing the constructs in Typescript with JSII, allows the publication of packages for use in Python, Javascript, Go and Java with minimal effort via the JSII transpiler. ( it magic i dont’ really understand, but…
The sneaky little blighters – DNS Exfiltration
DNS Exfiltration, yet another thing to have to deal with but made easy with AWS-CDK As someone who is involved in the business of trying to keep the bad guys out of systems, I often describe my job in terms of mud pies and stickiness. I’m running the gauntlet of thousands of mud pies being…
You can’t win the Olympic 100m by running around the block once a week.
Opinion Piece on Infra as Code. This post is a bit of a departure from my normal posts about technical aspects of creating solutions in the cloud. Recently while chatting with some experienced practitioners of cloud, the discussion moved to the merits of different systems of Infrastructure as Code. ( IaC ). For some context…
Private Link: a work around for cross region support.
An interesting problem that came my way in the last week: I wanted to create a service endpoint interface inside my private cloud network to get to Crowdstrike. CrowdStrike provide comprehensive suite of endpoint protection services. Their service itself is hosted in AWS, meaning you can also connect to it using AWS private Link.…