The sneaky little blighters – DNS Exfiltration

DNS Exfiltration, yet another thing to have to deal with but made easy with AWS-CDK

As someone who is involved in the business of trying to keep the bad guys out of systems, I often describe my job in terms of mud pies and stickiness. I’m running the gauntlet of thousands of mud pies being thrown at me every day. My job is to make sure none of them stick. But the bad guys, just have to get one to stick to cause carnage! Much of good IT security often is doing a whole lot of simple boring things well. And one of those things is not letting DNS become the way that the sneaky little blighters exfiltrate your data.

DNS data exfiltration exploits DNS to exchange data between systems without direct connection. The data is exchanged through DNS protocol, more often than not by intermediate DNS servers. During the exfiltration phase, the client makes a DNS resolution request to an external DNS server address. Instead of responding with an A record in response, the attacker’s name server will respond back with a CNAME, MX or TXT record, which allows a large amount of unstructured data to be sent between attacker and victim. The same method is a favorite technique for malware. So often the vulnerability’s of DNS have not been considered. Fortunately, its not so hard to get some good protection against this for some fairly minimal effort.

Amazon Web Services introduced DNS Firewall, some time ago, and the service is supported by CloudFormation. That made it a ‘sitter’ for creating a couple of constructs in for aws cdk. AWS while providing great services, doesn’t always make them easy to use. So, that’s where a 3rd party construct can come in handy.

Here is a small cdk construct that creates a DNS Rule Group that can be used, that takes advantage of AWS’ Managed lists. This required a small python lambda backed custom resource to find the Ids of the managed rules. This construct is a typical L2 type construct, using the raw L1 CloudFormation Types. This construct is available to be downloaded as part of the raindancers-network construct from

import * as path from 'path';

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';

import {
  aws_route53resolver as r53r,
  custom_resources as cr,
  aws_logs as logs,
  aws_iam as iam,
} from 'aws-cdk-lib';

import * as constructs from 'constructs';

export enum DNSFirewallActions {

export enum DNSFirewallBlockResponse {

export class AwsManagedDNSFirewallRuleGroup extends constructs.Construct {

  resolverRuleId: string;

  constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string) {
    super(scope, id);

    // this lambda will make a api-call to find the ids of the managed aws dns firewalls
    // aws route53resolver list-firewall-domain-lists
    // because this api call does not have a filter parameter and needs sorting it
    // is not a good candidate for a awscustomresource/sdk call.
    // the ids for the rule groups are different in every region.

    const lookupFunction = new aws_lambda.Function(this, 'FindRules', {
      runtime: aws_lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_9,
      logRetention: logs.RetentionDays.ONE_MONTH,
      handler: 'managedAWSRules.on_event',
      code: aws_lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, '../../lambda/dns')),
      timeout: cdk.Duration.seconds(300),

    // give the lambda's role addtional permissions so it can make the required calls.
    // the addToRolePolicy method will add this as inline policy to the lambdas role.
      new iam.PolicyStatement({
        actions: ['route53resolver:ListFirewallDomainLists'],
        effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
        resources: ['*'],

    // create a lambda backed cloudformation custom resource.
    // the lambda function will interact with cloudformaton events ( create, delete, update )
    // this provides a way to plug coverage gaps in cloudformation, or perform logic that woudl
    // be difficult or impossible to do otherwise.

    const awsManagedRules = [

    const lookupCr = new cdk.CustomResource(this, 'lookupCr', {
      resourceType: 'Custom::Lookup',
      properties: {
        // propertys are sent to the lambda as part of the event information
        // in this case a list of rule names that we want to find.
        awsManagedRules: awsManagedRules,
      //the service token, and provider are the mechamism of how the lambda is connected
      //to the custom resource
      serviceToken: new cr.Provider(this, 'associateProvider', {
        onEventHandler: lookupFunction,

    //aws route53resolver list-firewall-domain-lists --profile network

    // the .getAtt() method, provides a way to get the result of the function that was called back.
    // in this case we are expecting a list, so, we the Token.asList method to convert that as a list.

    const firewallDomainListsIds = cdk.Token.asList(lookupCr.getAtt('ManagedRuleIds'));

    // interate over the list of Ids that where returned. We will get one id, for each item that we requested
    // from the lookup. we can not directly iterate over the list, as the list does not exisit until deployment.

    const firewallRules: r53r.CfnFirewallRuleGroup.FirewallRuleProperty[] = [];
    for (let index = 0; index < awsManagedRules.length; index++) {
        action: DNSFirewallActions.BLOCK,
        firewallDomainListId:, firewallDomainListsIds),
        priority: 100 + index,
        blockResponse: DNSFirewallBlockResponse.NODATA,

    const FirewallRuleGroup = new r53r.CfnFirewallRuleGroup(this, 'AwsManagedDNSFirewallRules', {
      firewallRules: firewallRules,
      name: 'AWS Managed Rules',

    this.resolverRuleId = FirewallRuleGroup.attrId;



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